Digital Tectonics

Morphogenetic Programming

Posted in Algorithms, Videos by A.Chronis on May 26, 2010

The Morphogenetic Programming module was one of the most interesting modules in the course.

The concept of this project originates in my general academic interest, which is the study of the flow of air inside and around the buildings. More specifically, the project involves the use of a Genetic Algorithm, based on Alasdair Turner’s code, to optimize a building’ s envelope, in terms of air intake. The algorithmic process also involves a dynamic relaxation scheme for the envelope surface, as well as the use of real time fluid dynamics and it  is described in detail on the presentation posters.

One of the main challenges was the implementation of the CFD engine in Processing which was done with the help of Mike Ash’ s “Fluid Simulation for Dummies“, and Jos Stam’s paper “Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games”.

A potential future development, as well as an initial intenion is the incorporation of weather data in the simulation process (wind direction, speed and temperature),  in order to create a realistic virtual environment for the evaluation of the generative process.

Morphogenetic Programming - Poster 1

Morphogenetic Programming - Poster 2
Morphogenetic Programming - Poster 3

The posters demonstrate the principal concepts, the algorithmic process (in pseudocode) and the final piece.


These two videos were extracted from Processing from the two relevant sketches used to produce the project.

The first one was developed as a prototype module  of a “building system” which was then incorporated as the phenotype of the genetic algorithm, as shown in the second video.

My deepest thanks to my teacher, Alasdair Turner and my tutor, Przemek Jaworski

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